食品伙伴网讯 据澳新食品标准局(fsanz)消息,11月22日,澳新食品标准局发布申请a1167,拟批准将来自转基因枯草芽孢杆菌的乳糖酶作为乳制品加工中的加工助剂。
据了解,本次申请由dupont australia pty ltd公司提出。预计2019年6月-8月,澳新食品标准局就该申请征求有关意见。2019年12月4日或5日,此申请得到全面批准,若无其他评审要求,预计2020年1月份刊登在澳新公报上。
dupont australia pty ltd submitted an application to food standards australia new zealand (fsanz) seeking to permit the use of the enzyme β-galactosidase (ec enzyme is derived from a genetically modified strain of bacillus subtilis containing the β-galactosidase gene from bifidobacterium bifidum. its proposed use is the production of low lactose and lactose free dairy products and galacto-oligosaccharides (gos).
enzymes used to produce and manufacture food are considered processing aids and are regulated by schedule 18 of the australia new zealand food standards code (the code).if approved for use, this enzyme would be listed in the table to subsection s18-9(3),which includes enzymes permitted for use for a specific technological purpose.