食品伙伴网讯 据美国农业部(usda)消息,2018年12月17日美国农业部食品安全检验局(fsis)发布进口残留抽样检查类型,该指令就公共卫生信息系统( phi )中的残留物取样检验类型( tois )向检验项目人员( ipp )发布说明。
a. phis will assign residue sampling tois as listed in table 1. ipp are to refer to this table for information on specific residue tois, including the applicable sample source and sample size requirements, applicable species, and designated fsis laboratories at which the analyses are performed.
b. ipp are to refer to fsis directive 9900.6, laboratory sampling program for imported meat, poultry and egg products, and fsis directive 14,100.1, speciation, residue, and salmonella testing of fish of the order siluriformes at official import inspection establishments, for instructions on collecting and submitting toi residue samples and actions to take based on the test results.
1. ipp at an official import inspection establishment with a grant of inspection (goi) for egg products are to request sample collection supplies from the fsis western laboratory (wl), in advance, so that sampling supplies will be available to ipp when an egg product residue toi is assigned.
2. ipp are to request supplies from the wl through phis or via outlook (fsis - sampling supplies -western lab)。 ipp are to use “egg products sampling supplies” in the subject heading of the email when requesting supplies via outlook. in the email, ipp are to include the establishment name and number, the project code (impresegg), and the ipp''s contact name and telephone number.
3. ipp are to refer to fsis directive 9900.6 for instructions regarding the election, collection and submission of eligible product samples. ipp are to use the nstructions provided for microbiological sampling of egg products when collecting these products for residue testing until further notice.
4. ipp are to collect egg product samples from shipments that can be sampled in a clean environment so that the egg products will not become contaminated.