食品伙伴网讯 据欧盟官方公报消息,2019年2月18日,欧盟委员会发布(eu)2019/268号条例,修改家禽中沙门氏菌检测和取样方法,并修订法规(eu)no 200/2010的附件i、法规(eu)no 517/2011的附件ii、法规(eu)no 200/2012的附件iii和法规(eu)no 1190/2012的附件iv。
在2021年12月31日之前,食品经营者可以采用法规(eu)200 / 2010附件第3.2和3.4点、法规(eu)517 / 2011附件第3.2和3.4点、法规(eu)200 / 2012附件第3.2和3.4点以及法规(eu)1190 / 2012附件第3.2和3.4点中提到的方法。
alternative methods appropriately validated against the reference methods are to be considered equivalent to the reference methods. the use of alternative methods is currently limited to food business operators according to point 3.4 of the annexes to regulations (eu) no 200/2010, (eu) no 517/2011, (eu) no 200/2012 and (eu) no 1190/2012. however, competent authorities should also have the possibility to use alternative methods, as there is no reason to limit the use of appropriately validated alternative methods to food business operators only.
representative sampling for the control of salmonella in flocks of laying hens and breeding hens of gallus gallus is not always practical in enriched cage houses and non-cage multi-tier houses with manure belts between each tier, which are increasingly used for the housing of these birds. it is therefore appropriate to allow an alternative sampling procedure, providing a practical solution for sampling these flocks whilst maintaining at least equivalent sensitivity to current sampling procedures.